A very big thank you to lovely Sophie from Diary of a Young Designer who gave me a blog award!
Now I can pass on the award to 15 others!
Steps for them are to:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his/ her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered! Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen.
My awards go to:
Diamonds in Champagne http://www.diamondsinchampagne.blogspot.com/
Love More www.lovemoreblog.blogspot.com
Its all Make Believe isnt it? http://petit-cheri.blogspot.com/
Nod to Mod http://nodtomod.blogspot.com/
Platinum Evil http://platinumevil.blogspot.com/
Le Blog de Sushi http://leblogdesushi.blogspot.com/
Girl Next Blog http://irelicious.blogspot.com/
Fashion Key http://fashionkey.blogspot.com/
Fashion Hayley http://fashionhayleyhome.blogspot.com/
Flair to Remember http://flairtoremember.blogspot.com/
For Love Not Money http://forlovenotmoney.blogspot.com/
Appeal to the Eye http://appealtotheeye.blogspot.com/
Alie the Great http://aliethegreat.blogspot.com/
Black Book http://hereistheblackbook.blogspot.com/
:) :)
Merry Awardssss